Not me, it'll take more than that for me to like Ferari again. Maybe if you take out LdM and Domenicalli and Alonso. Oh and bring back Chris Dyer.
Well I was always a die hard fan since I first started following F1 since 1998, and with me being a Massa a supporter a little part of the fan in me exists and sometimes ignites, as I liked them to win at least one grand prix last year, and oddly Alonso in Malaysia (which I regret now of course).
Zitat von Olgano announcement from ferrari for massa..
no announcement from lotus for their line up...
i read Turrini's last blogs, nothing for the "blondie"...
La Stampa however mentions Kimi.... La Stampa? La Stampa....
La Stampa is one of the most important Italian newspapers, is owned by the family Agnelli, the major shareholders of Fiat and Ferrari... " title="roll" /> " title="hi" />
Uh, uh, I know what would be even sweeter than Ferrari and McLaren realizing they made a huge mistake in 2009... How about Kimi staying at Lotus and taking away the WDC from Alonso, Vettel and Hammi on his comeback year and then go and do it again in 2013, OMG! I get excited even thinking about it. Then he can go and say: I go back to rally now, someone has to beat Loeb. " title="five" />
Could it be?, can it, can it?
Oh, why us humans become so vengative when we get hurt? I'll try to let go too Spinne, apparently I'm still in the healing process... " title="bed" />
Zitat von WHATEVERUh, uh, I know what would be even sweeter than Ferrari and McLaren realizing they made a huge mistake in 2009... How about Kimi staying at Lotus and taking away the WDC from Alonso, Vettel and Hammi on his comeback year and then go and do it again in 2013, OMG! I get excited even thinking about it. Then he can go and say: I go back to rally now, someone has to beat Loeb.
Could it be?, can it, can it?
Oh, why us humans become so vengative when we get hurt? I'll try to let go too Spinne, apparently I'm still in the healing process...
the only really free things we have are our hearts, our thoughts are dreams, so its ok, enjoy it! " title="there" /> " title="ii" />
Zitat von WHATEVERHave you heard of The Secret? How thoughts become reality?
heard of something like that cant say i believe these things....but i'm sure that for things we can affect, our disposition and hard work does miracles ....