You can see Petter waving at me @ 0:38 " title="blush" /> and that we stood at a really dangerous place, it was forbidden to stand there (from 8:16) but as it was written on our tickets "motorsport can be dangerous" " title="cheeky" />
You can see Petter waving at me @ 0:38 and that we stood at a really dangerous place, it was forbidden to stand there (from 8:16) but as it was written on our tickets "motorsport can be dangerous"
Zitat von Appletree Thanks Kinga, a lot of material you got there...interesting end to the Kimi video. Lot to think about.
Yeah, it was on purpose. I think it represents his mood in Germany. A lot of hiding and a lot of things to think about as you say it. Those 2 pictures were made by 2 Kimi fans by the way and not by professional photographers but these pics are my favourites from this rally, they caught those moments brilliantly. One with his shades in the sun and the other one is the lonely Kimi. You just want to go and hug him and whisper into his ear that everything's gonna be all right. " title="oi" />
You can see Petter waving at me @ 0:38 and that we stood at a really dangerous place, it was forbidden to stand there (from 8:16) but as it was written on our tickets "motorsport can be dangerous"
Thank you Kinga!!!!! Brilliant as usual " title="hug" />
But...but...but... sorry...I think Kimi probably was waiting to use the toilet base on the location he stand in that lonely picture ha" title="laughter" />
Petter does know how to make friends, doesn't he, Kinga?
Fantastic videos, Kinga. Feels like being in the middle myself. You are having the time of your life at these rallies.
In the second video at 0:40 " title="lol" /> , at 1:15 movable aerodynamic device ha" title="laughter" /> , at 1:56 breathtaking stuff, this rally sport must be fun. I just wish that they would broadcast rally live, like the NASCAR onboards or like with a youtube partnership.
Zitat von SpaMasterPetter does know how to make friends, doesn't he, Kinga?
Fantastic videos, Kinga. Feels like being in the middle myself. You are having the time of your life at these rallies.
Thanks, Dheebean. " title="hug" />
Oh, yeah, Petter is such a nice guy. He's like that with everyone, amazing what a positive emanation (is it the right word? ) he has. He's friendly to everyone as if everyone would be his all time friend.
Yeah, attanding a rally is cool and addictive. When I walk in the vineyards or in the forests or in the fields to find a good spot to watch the rally live in action I always think about the article when they compared Kimi in F1 with Kimi in rallying. There was a comparison between the F1-fans and the rally-fans. They wrote that it's not even comparable. F1 fans have their seats, they have one spot most of the time to watch the whole thing, just park their car near the track and walk a little and there they are, in clean clothes, etc. Maybe rain can be a little bit tricky. But how about the rally addicts? They do what I do. Climb high up the vineyards, go into the forests, when there's no real path at all, in the bushes, weed and grass, etc. They travel many kilometres from one stage to the other to do it again. And they do it for 3 days in a row.
I always think about how "close" the rally world is to you compared to F1. In F1 if you seat on the best spot possible opposite the pit lane, you can see the mechanics work a little, but only from many meters, you don't see much about the drivers. The cars go by but they are quite far away. In rally you can watch the drivers and the mechanics from 1-2 metres, you can see all what they're doing and at the race the cars go by 5 metres away from you only. If you are brave enough then you go to a restricted area (like us) and then you can see the cars in action from only 1 meter " title="nails" />