Very important to note that he also said that he is very happy with massa when asked the prospects of kubica being his team mate next season.
As usual alonso is already playing the mind games with massa. Humiliating him and telling him that he is nothing but a cakewalk as a rival to him.
He couldnt have taken any other name as most of whom with he has fought on track will be driving next season. IF kimi wouldnt have been driving in 2012, i wouldnt have been surprised if alonso would have said kimi.
Zitat von WolfieLuie, I'm with you on this and love your way of writing - damn if I could express myself like you
You brought up a good point, would he have said Kimi otherwise? Now when the driver is in hospital with a broken leg it's so freaking easy to say that he is the best - just like he made sure the last year that he can beat his worst opponent (Schumi) - is this going to be a fun year or what
Thanks. Honestly at times i like such a bitch of an attitude of alonso. I love it when he just toys around with the likes of hamilton, massa, and schumi. Off lately with vettel too. Alonso is too smart a racer to get others riled up with his comments.
He is also very smart to estimate which driver would react to his off the track shit loads that he often throws. Thats the reason you seldom see he talking any shit about kubica, kimi or webber. Bob and webber mostly as they are good friends to him but for kimi i see he has this respect as a co racer and very well knows that kimi wont be ruffled by his off the track shit comments which are a part of the mind games that alonso likes to often play.
Well everybody does have a bad day/week/time! I have no problem with Alonso reacting like this! When I think about me when I´m in a bad mood and everybody ask me what´s wrong I do get pissed as well! For him it´s even worse as the press did invent stupid articles about the reason for their breakup and so on! He´s a very private person who doesn´t want his private life to get discussed in public. Of course one could say that he is a famous person so he should be used to und live with it! But he´s a sportsman and not a actor or something like this.
Btw I think that this comment was rather funny! Could have been Kimi h" title="hih" />
Zitat- I speak with my boss every day. I don't need to come here to know what he thinks about me, Alonso snapped.
I would get annoyed having to get pestered by questions, on the thursday of a grand prix, Friday before and after each session, same with Saturday, and when you are most tired on several basis on Sunday.
Winter is meant to be his break as it is many others, yet they have to answer the same questions for the past 2 months.
Whatever the reason he's moody I don't know, but I am not surprised by his mood, I am surprised how F1 drivers are so professional, compare them to other sportsmen(women) they top the list for professionalism.
Zitat von WolfieOf course he is entitled to his bad moods, but if Kimi could take all the crap based on nothing then Alonso whining over how the media covered his divorce was... out of thin air - in comparison.
But the wroom-days are Ferrari's big PR-event, hence it's weird that he doesn't work for his boss
yeah but it´s not an event to answer questions about his private life well anyway I have no problem with drivers being moody from time to time!
Alonso: Vettel is not on the same level as Hamilton is
18.01.2012 15:35
Lewis Hamilton is a better driver than the reigning WDC Sebastian Vettel. According to Fernando Alonso.
Vettel won his second consecutive championship last season. Hamilton again was 5th last season.
- Lewis is really fast, aggressive and completely concentrated on what is important - he is only interested in winning. Sebastian hasn't reached that level yet, Alonso told Sport-Bild -magazine.
- I know that Vettel is a double WDC but he just isn't yet on the same level as Hamilton is, Alonso added.
What else do you expect from Alonso. "I was beaten by a gangsta rookie in 2007" or "I was worst than a rookie" or "Any thing that Lewis can cry for i can cry better"
Alonso: Vettel is not on the same level as Hamilton is
18.01.2012 15:35
Lewis Hamilton is a better driver than the reigning WDC Sebastian Vettel. According to Fernando Alonso.
Vettel won his second consecutive championship last season. Hamilton again was 5th last season.
- Lewis is really fast, aggressive and completely concentrated on what is important - he is only interested in winning. Sebastian hasn't reached that level yet, Alonso told Sport-Bild -magazine.
- I know that Vettel is a double WDC but he just isn't yet on the same level as Hamilton is, Alonso added.
What else do you expect from Alonso. "I was beaten by a gangsta rookie in 2007" or "I was worst than a rookie" or "Any thing that Lewis can cry for i can cry better"
That said i personally agree with Alonso. Alonso's stakes have gone much down in comparison to Lewis first and now vettel.