On one day it happened. It wasnt a windy day, nothing special in it, just a calm , quiet evening..as it had been lately . Come to think of it, we had a very warm and pleasant summer. Silent and soft winds had blown from south for a long time, like secretly sneaking into our land so they dont frighten the sleeping coldness. Tree didnt give a hint, it would feel odd. I was just playig with ladybugs and greenflies err...not going to details, but I heard the most awful noise in my life and to my shock ..the other big branch of my tree broke up. I couldnt get a word from my mouth. I just opened it and not a single voice came out of it. "TREE!" " Well ,well, I thought you had turned into a fish" Tree said with its dry voice. Didnt hear any pain in its voice. I just looked the branch and jumped down. I had to find a stick to lift the branch up and support it somehow. "This is a disaster. Tree! You lost your branch..practically the other side. " " Do you feel it makes me weaker or something? I am just kicking out the bad side of me." I hadnt thought my tree has a bad side. Or anything "bad" in it. The whole new thought. It kind of shaked me up a bit. How peculiar. Of course the life has good and bad sides. Everything has. Usually important desicions have good and bad sides. How on earth had I forgotten that with my tree? I was used to, it has always an answer to everything. It knows everything, feels everything thats going on in the world. "Or to be precise , its not a bad side. Its just a load of crap I have been carrying for decades..or thousand years. Sometimes it just has to be poored somewhere. " Tree continued like thinking out loud its thoughts. "But it was one of your branches, a big branch!" "Well, if you carry crap beginning thousand years ago, it has to be big" "Why have you carried it? Do you have to lose a branch to get rid of it?" "Er..you think, I can just wipe away the feelings, good and bad, of the whole world just like that? I am a tree. I am made of branches. My branches carry the whole awareness of the physical world. I have leaves, branches..roots. But..you are right. I dont carry it all in my physical form. I am part of this world with my roots, thru the soil I stand on. Every tree here is part of that awareness. Anyway, I see you start to look freaked out so lets not go into that...Lets go to the future. I lost a branch, so, branches come and go. " " But, it was part of you ." "Hm..part of me? Yes, what happened in the past is part of me anyway. Dont think the past too much. You are here, now. But lets say , you have to make a desicion. Do you think, you make it just based on what you are now?" "No. Usually I think of the future. " "And past. Thats how its not forgotten. The past effects to your thoughts. Sometimes..you can even go to the past. And if you can...would you change something if you could? I started to smile. Tree is sometimes such a piece of work. "I knew this is going to Kimi somehow!" "About time. I have seen so many humans beeing worried about it all. But lets think it that way. Kimi has a rare opportunity to go to the past. Travel in time. Do you think he is going to do it in the same way? No. Now he can do something differently. In the end, thats what he is all about. Doing everything differently." I smiled and nodded my head and put my eyes to the skyline. "Could you do me a flower? I think of orange, when I think of her. Big orange flower, full of scent, happy, witty and bubling. Give it wings so it can fly around the world. She made a long journey with us, in the past. She is now part of the big awareness of our thoughts, part of the story of the time traveller. Dindi, the story continues."
I had nothing but time. Endless days ,throwing darts towards the paper in my wall. There was something written in big, cat size letters: THE TECHNICAL DELEGATION OF FIA . Nothig better to do, just wait and look the coffee stripes in my desk. I am so going to have a gastric ulcer. It had something to do with the certain lady, lady in the tree. She said well before christmas, she is going to take a nap. Oh, well, she hadnt woke up yet. I should have learned ages ago, she has her own defitions to normal things like sleeping ,eating, walking..so, if she says she is going to take a nap, it could mean a timescale between one second to months. She had scared me to death once, said she is going to take a good night sleep and once I turned my back to her, she was standing in front of me , drinking morning coffee and reading the newspaper. There is nothing odd in that , I know. But the paper was dated for the next day. Suddenly my fax machine came alive. Finally something! It was from the tree lady. "Hello, Hopeless, something to cheer you up!" I am still sleeping, but the god of Luck sended this to me in my dream and I thought I should send it to someone, who is awake. Anyway, here is the message!" From: old geek To: lady without the shoes I have receive a very disturbing news from Bahrain . Do you remember, back in 2009(humans time) someone whose name is not to be mentioned here ( old geek means Pandora , dear! added by tree lady) got rid of the box she was locked in? Remember how Hope beried her in to the sands of time. The winds have blown the sands of time to another dimension and Pandora is free again! STOP Cheer me up? Pandora? Old geek? God of Luck? This is from a very poorly written story , joyfully mixing the myths of Greek, Northern and what ever gods together. And again the message burst into flames in my hands and I could smell an apple. Before I could think or even wink my eye, the fax machine came alive again. SECRET REPORT THE TECHNICAL DELEGATION OF FIA Bahrain, 1.3.2014 The technical delagation of FIA sent the official observers to the secret tests of all the teams taking part in F1 2014 championship series by the reguest done by themselves. As it has been painfully clear, the technical demands have been difficult and too advanced to accomplish in the short period of time the teams have had . So we had a group of suggestions how the teams are going to get all the cars to the actual finish line if the current power sources succeeded to fail. We were able to see these suggestions to come to alive in Bahrain International circuit 1.3.2014. This is the report of the tests. Unfortunately we dont have pictures about these suggestions(as in some cases it would be inapproriate) but we got some audio files and transcriptions of those will be at te report. RED BULL RACING TEAM Red Bulls had taken the old route to solve the problem but as it emerged, the outcome of the tests was a total disaster. Engine:wood gasifier, the fuel: firewood, the pitcrew: have to wear rubber gloves because of the sticks in fingers. Red Bulls experimental engine suggestion was simple, fairly cheap but a total pan cake. As it happened, the whole track was under thick layer of black smoke , the car and its driver were invisible as no one was able to see them, except Sebastian Vettels eyeballs.The whole car burned down. We got a few words from the man himself:" My championship hopes look like somewhat shady at the moment" SCUDERIA FERRARI They got two possibilities. The teams spokesman told us, Alonso had tried Kimis way , but after a week he had faced overwhelming diffuculties to stay on track. They didnt tell us what was in Kimis drinking bottle (classified information) but his burbs certainly got the car to fly. We are investigating this system at the moment. Once the head ache stops. Alonso on the other hand chose very secure way to reach the finishing line. No wonder he bought a cycling team. His car has food pedals hidden inside. Needs the man to be in top shape but it will pay off if the others dont even reach the finish line. MERCEDES This team had in fact two possibilities too. They had a far advanced system in their cars than the other teams : solar panels. One could think, its never going to rain on weekends but anyway, Mercedes team had prepared with the same system as Alonso for their drivers.Never say never. WILLIAMS This team had a similar thought as Mercedes; why not to use nature powers to bring us to glory. So Williams have sails. We will not know what they are going to do if the wind doesnt blow; but anyway, these are alternative choices to reach the finishing line if the current engine fails. ( thats why RED BULL have serious problems. They are trying to put two engines in one machine. Did they think they are even faster with this ?) MCLAREN Now this was a bit like Williams solution, but as they seem to have one guy with wet ears in the team they chose propelles in the sidepods and front wing. Needs winds and there was a bit of conversation about Magnussens helmet propeller being unsafe . Not to mention he looks two year old in that. CATERHAM Now there is the simpliest and cheapest solution ever. And by far the slowest. A hole in the floor. Drivers need thick shoes. LOTUS This demanded somewhat delicate approach from our observers as Lotus had chosen ..errr...natural gas system. Grosjeans smile was wide but the smell was awfull. And he said he has to eat a lot before the race. We got an audio file from Maldonado whose face was really gloomy after the tests. " I know I am faster than Romain but I just couldnt follow in close quarters , it was impossible. We have a good package , you have to just take care of you are in front of everyone. I know Romain puts it in his pants more than me , especially at the start , so I have to be ready." The rest of the teams had similar solutions than ones above but we didnt have an opportunity to observe them just because Sebastian Vettels car burned down at the back straight of the track and caused a pile up of the other cars . We saw a lot of white eyeballs in the middle of the black smoke. THE END OF REPORT
After the disappointing winter( I mean we didnt have fun with snow , white bunnies and squarrels look ridiculous if there isnt snow) we had early spring knocking on our doors..I know my tree doesnt fall into the trap , its so old and grumpy ...ok, ok, wise, so I was still expecting it to start its normal humming. But now one of its big branches layed down on the ground, big cut on its side..I had spreaded all kind of healing herbs into the cut . My tree was still sleeping! All the other trees made little leaves, they were endlessly chatting about the spring . We all have our expectations, when the big light concures our northern soil. We are already making plans how we are going to put flowers of all kind of colours to our patios..( I put them usually straigtht to the air..the flowers are a bit nettled as they think they are naked when their roots are hanging in the air) . We go ahead of our heads ..and now we had a cold shower, many cold showers, as the frosty nights touched our shivering hearts with its icy fist. I had just joyed how sparrows came back, I was so attracted how they flew so skillfully and breathtakingly in our forested land.But now they sat on the branches silently , wings tightly around their body..but still looking so proud. I had chewed all my fingernails while waiting for my tree to wake up. Now I chewed its skin. Not that I noticed it but suddenly I heard its whispering voice. " Have you been on diet or something? Get your teeths to some other trees ass." "Ooops. This is your ass?" "No. But I have always wanted to say it." "Glad you got that out of your chest. After all you have lived a few thousand years waiting for to say it." "Touche. Hows our two samurais?" "Well...as you probably know , Pandora is moving, the eternal sand has changed its place and revealed the box Pandora was laying. As far as I know there is a whole bunch of teams chasing her, also our friend Applelock Hopeless Holmes. Gods are doing nothing. As usual. Despite the god of luck. I dont quite know which end of him is chasing Pandora.Hope its upstairs. At first the samurais were in their corners and if they ever met in the middle they politely backed of to their corners bowing on the way. Altho I wouldnt say the other one is samurai. He is more like mideval knight. Heavy sword , strong shell but without the philosophycal poetry about how and when he is going to trash someone. Just do it. But the samurai wasnt waiting for the knight to get on his saddle. The mechanical bulls are not throwing others from the saddle , they have troubles of understanding the operating instructions, as half of the grid by the way, but the silver arrows are flying like the mercury. The big eastern water lily hasnt exactly burst into flowers either. I think the others are more like carrying flowers to their grave. " "Have you been here all the time as I was sleeping?" "Ofcourse. Always have. I will always stay by your side, no matter how many branches you lose, how torn you look, how long you sleep. I"ll stay here." And I looked up and saw the sparrow sitting on the branch that had broken.
quote"Have you been here all the time as I was sleeping?" "Ofcourse. Always have. I will always stay by your side, no matter how many branches you lose, how torn you look, how long you sleep. I"ll stay here."
The appletree. It stands still, in fierce winds, in endless rains, in cold and icy nights and days,in sudden blizzards, under the layer of snow, in the sweet soft evenings of new spring, in the late and serene summer days, in the never ending light, in the dark, under the northern sky looking at northern lights. Its ageless. Once again, it sees a summer that was so much expected but it never really came. It sees autumn that makes our guts hurt, sees peoples anxiety and fading hope of warm days that will never come. Until next summer. I look at people here at the strong branches of my tree. This was not a good year for them, but thats the way of nature. And still we will hit our head to the wall year by year, getting a good headache but not getting any wiser. Tree had been silent for a long time. It had just looked. And looked. -Would it be time to open your mouth and say something? I asked. -Why? - Err..I would very much like to hear your voice. I tried. - You hear me every night. In your dreams. Who you think sings you to sleep? -I thought the universe sings. -Very much so. You hear it only in your dreams. -Its beautifull. I hope it never ends. -People who can dream and hope and feel, hear it. - Its the evening again..wet evening. Would you sing to me..and cover me with something? Your leaves have gone to somewhere. - Oh..ups, but its the fall you know. Here it is normal that your leaves go to somewhere. -Your not a normal tree. - I have tried hard. Dont judge me so easily. Tree pinched her nose and opened a pink umbrella over me. -Pink?? Its fall for gods sake, if you try to be normal,try yellow or orange or red one. - Its so normal. Pink is good. Sometimes my tree is one annoying little... - Want an umbrella or not? Tree asked. - Please continue.. I tried to have a cosy position on my branch and the tree took a long breathe and said -This time it will be a story. A story of people who walked around the world. They walked to the Valley of hope..it was a place where they met the first time. Because it was the Valley of Hope, they were all very nice to each other, they talked a lot, they had fun and they felt united. They were all going to the same direction. It was easy, and they desided to continue together. They past the places they didnt want to go, like the Gulley of Despair..but always there were someone, who pulled them up, and they continued their journey together . No one was left behind. Sometimes they had to fight for the road they had chosen, and they lost one or two by the side of it. It was a long journey , so some didnt want to walk with them anymore. Once when the journey seemed to look too hard, there had been hard rocks, set backs, the hope seemed to vanish in the winds in the Plain of Storms..they stopped and held their breath, they were thirsty and hungry and tired. Then the Gods stepped onto the sceen. The dust they lifted to the air, prevented people to see whats behind of it, but their thundering voice forced them to continue. Their Hope had never vanished. They walked and walked until they reached the Sea. It was a Sea of Dreams that come true. Its the Sea you cannot descripe, because every peole have different kind of dreams. -Was it the only Sea in that world? -No. As you know in that and also in this world, there is countless amount of feelings people have. The Sea of Dreams is very big. But there have to be a balance. And there is. You cannot walk thru the world without being exited, brave,friendly,emphatic, determined , full of hope and curiosity. You meet hate, suspiciousness, you are tired, desperate,and sometimes angry. And then you will come to the shores of the Ocean that you have to see to be a human and you will see when you follow your dreams. Its the Ocen of Tears. - Like when I follow Kimi or someone follow their own hero was it a football player or hockey player..you will end up on this Ocean. -Yes. Someone would say its ridiculous or vanity. But its human. We need feelings and rationality, they will balance each others. What do you think Kimi says when he sees his end is coming and someone asks what do you remember? Not his money or cars he drove..he will remember the people around him, joy he felt when his kids were born, the love people have given him,the sadness...in one word..feelings.And I hope..peace. In that world there is still one Ocean of Tears thats bigger than this. Its the Ocen of the Tears mothers have shed for the sake of their children.