Wow, Apple, fantastic story!!! I liked everything in it and especially the ending. Good for Kaj, if only he could read it and Kimi too " title="ty" /> " title="hug" /> " title="yay" />
Ok, lets start again..I felt like making a two gp:s together,mainly because my time is a bit tight during the spring and it just conviniently happend so .. h" title="hih" />
Barcelona and Monaco gp
Sometimes I just leave my tree and walk for days in the forest. Usually at the spring time. And there is a good reason for that. When the big light starts to shine longer and longer, the trees wake up. If you carefully put your ear towards the trunk of the tree, you hear the voice of water. Water of life.
Just then the trees start to hum.And just as magically they start to wawe themselves in the same rythm. Its the dance of life. Then they start to make leaves.And those who make flowers hurry to do that also. And my tree is making leaves and flowers ,humming and swinging at the same time. To my opinion, its drunk. Drunk of being tree in the spring time. And I dont want to be up there while its doing that. I get sea sick. So I rather just walk between the trees, enjoy the greeness around me and say hello to the new little twigs that pop up here and there. If you are clever enough and move very quietly and respectfully in the forests you will have your reward. Mine was the other day the rare flower,called Lesser-butterfly-orchid. There is nothing lesser in it. It opens its flowers only during night. You dont have to see it as you know you are near when you smell the heavenly odour..and the next moment everything you see thats left of the flower, only a few leaves at the ground. Thats the thing with our cold country.. all you can see is a bit less than in the southern world ,still there is always some breath takingly detail you find only, if you seek enough. But you remember it for ever, random meeting in the forest thats full of secrets during the night. I had noticed a few other things also..why the plants are so hurry to flower, so hurry to make their leaves, so hurry to leave their seeds to winds to carry? It had been cold spring ,still the trees and other plants were ahead of their schedule...I just wanted to shout , dont hurry, you have all the time in the world!..
And here I was in Barcelona, looking at the randomness of the game, as the man with the burning eyes fired himself to the first spot..Before this race I thought he had oil only under his tyres , usually, but they must have put it in the right place this time. Poker joker had again played it right as he parked himself second but they both had Black Ice on their tale..surprising,dangerous and sometimes here ,sometimes there..just like his team seems to be with their strategic plans. If they have one. I had to wonder what the god of Luck is doing, as this had been a very odd season so far, not that I complain. He had an eye surgery, I found out, and he was aiming only with one eye..and not with the very good results. I asked dont they usually aim with one eye? He said he has three eyes and he had aimed only with the third eye. But now the third eye had been out of the game and he had to aim with eyes, he usually closes up. That figures. I hadnt speak with Kimi, because I thought he has enough drummers behind his back . At the time my tree made flowers( as it usually does during the Monaco gp, as it wants to look nice and dramatic, this time it made black flowers) Kimi again had a black moment. And we had a new winner. And Croissant burned himself in the oven.And Monaco barries were really moved by Perez. Man with the burning eyes burned his nerves. And FIA turned their ship in traffic jam in Monaco, it lasted so long, they got their ship turned by the time the race was over. Nearly after one week.
But I sat in the tree, the same old gentleman I saw at the last time, and now I wawed to Kimi, that was flowering in the Monaco night. -hi, there. Kimi said. He really never gets used to my bear foot. But I had a dress after all.I looked like a finnish forest. Different shades of green. - Hi. I didnt say anything else.Just smiled a bit. - You look like a spring forest. - Aha. In the middle of this black night, you still see it? - I remember it always. You even smell like it.
Well, that was fast. Flowers showed up and vanished like the ash in the we can really wait for the real fruits, can we? I have returned to my tree. The plants in the forest are so grown up, I dont want to crush them and I am really not going to fly above the soil in the forest. And I dont want to look like a fairy because I am not a fairy. I dont have a magic stick.
Tree looks great , as the weather has been quite cold .In colder temperatures it grows big leaves and all the plants grow strong body..for what? To stand up in the stormy winds? Because I know there will be.. The summer is here and a few warmer days guarantee we will have a thunder storms and I see darker clouds already at the horizon.
I was in my thoughts and gently tapped my tree..and got a green hand. "Yack! The little greeny thingy are here!" " What? Men from Mars?" Tree laughed. "I thought they are not green..nope, these insects!" " ahh..greenflies..soon the ladybugs will be here and I am so beautiful without doing anything myself!" "You could be eaten alive." "Why thank you...really the point is..there will always be greenflies...and I am still standing here. " "I better make a trip and think about it."
Kimi sure had colder days behind him, I thought, sitting in the maple tree and looking at his wrinkled forehead. ā€¯you still sit in the trees.ā€¯ Kimi said to me. ā€¯you still drive F1 car.ā€¯ I was observing the god of hunting with the other eye of me.He looked like he is trying to find someone. He dragged Button like a hunted bird, in his waist..I didnā€™t like this at all. ā€¯Now, listen to me Kimi. My voice was surprisingly sharp and Kimi raised his eyebrows. ā€¯ I have a feeling,despite you say, nothing has changed here, something has changed ,in you, I mean. You are not maybe so rusty what comes to your driving. But long story in short, you should really trust yourself a bit more. You are the one who knows how long the tyres will last, you are the one who knows how long you can drive with those tyres, you are the one who sees first the tyres are gone. Are you throwing away your experience just because you have been away for two years? You have to start to make a decisions. ā€¯ I noticed the god of hunting showed unhealthy interest to Lotus premises. I thought I should decorate the place with flowers . The god of hunting hates flowers.
I was curious about Massa. He had wandered in the land of shadows and was desperately trying to drag himself to the light. He wasnā€™t fighting for his place in the team, he was fighting for his place in the sport. But Grosjean wasnā€™t seeking for shadows . Its funny but shadows sometimes came to him, like he wouldnā€™t see the dangers around him . From some reason I began to think of gallian rooster. Perez carried a healthy dose of jalopenos with him and ate them like candies. Alonso got in the way and almost fainted from the fumes Perez left behind. I heard a rumour the whole Ferrari team is trying to forbid Perez to eat jalopenos on the paddock.
Young Vettel,who had often tried to clear up the wind direction last season, also went past the ill feeling Alonso but the wind direction stayed unsolved.
Pandora had reserved a place alongside Hamilton. Who coincidentally was also driving for his future..or should I say his team was driving for his future..They all played cards on his side of the garage, Hamilton got an ace and Button threw dice in a very lonely corner.
I desided I had seen enough and came back to my tree. It had greenflies all over it . I sent a humble message to the air.."I know you are there ladybugs fly!"