Again a great story! Also love the part about the finns! Have to see the in the summer time as well
Zitat- My fans...I know I am what I am. I cant please the whole bunch of them because I believe , if I give something to someone, I should give it to all . I am not able to do that..but..I found a way.
Good thought!! Kimi doesn´t want us Kimi fans to fight and envy each other " title="hug" />
Zitat- The movie.The document of my life. the moving picture you will see all my facial expressions as they are at the moment. I am naked. It creeps me out a bit.
Hope the tree asks him the next time when this documentary will be published!!!
Zitat von Appletree But then I saw Kimi,this time alone , as seemingly he had changed. He wasnt alone while rallies. Always chatting with someone, summer in his heart. But if the reporters and shouting people gathered around him, he let the winter in his heart.
awww this was so nice " title="aaw" />
... and the whole story is great, thank you! " title="hug" />
Zitat von AppletreeThankyou Kinga, once again I got a lot of thoughts specially from the pictures..but this time I´m not going to write a story as I missed the whole rally.
Zitat von Kinga^^ Luviceman, she said this in my video thread:
Zitat von AppletreeThankyou Kinga, once again I got a lot of thoughts specially from the pictures..but this time I´m not going to write a story as I missed the whole rally.
oh " title="sad" /> thank you for letting me know, Kinga " title="hug" /> let's wait tarmac rally story then arts" title="hearts" /> hope she will get a chance to follow up next rally
Dear Ludy, you did it before the forum went down! " title="hug" /> I didnt save the story but Ludy did!
"Sigh" I threw a leaf to the air and the wind took it in her hands and played with it until it landed on the ground. Tree looked at me but didnt say anything. It had been like this for a moment now. No matter how depressed I try to be, it waits. It has unbelievable patience. But its tree, you know. It can wait for two years to have apples again. The summer continued here in our land, despite the normal rainy and windy days but it was warm.
-" You know tree..I have been thinking.." -"yes, I have been hearing how the thoughts of yours have been stumbling to each others here." -"Why thank must have been painfull experience. " I kicked the tree. -"I have waited for things to clear." Tree smiled. -"But..I mean..look at this has been long, warm and sometimes typical finnish summer with rain at one moment, sun shine at another moment..but boy its long. Still..I have been wondering, did I notice all the wonderfull things that happened this summer..did I hear the birds sing and then the sudden silence once they have babys, did I feel the sun burning my skin and the gentle wind to take the burn away..did I see the great green and how it almost secretly changes to other colours..Did I smell all the wonderfull flowers and grass and the forest after the rain...and now..the smells are changing..If anything, it tells me the winter is coming. Everything changes.
"Its funny, how humans like everything to be the same, still the nature tells another story, year by year." "But after every winter comes spring and summer and autumn and then the winter again" " And things grow up, get older, die..there is change in the air all the time" Tree reminded me gently. "Hmm..well, I gather you hint something again, yes, I know I didnt go to the big forest last time but this time there isnt much forest." " It doesnt secure anything, like Kimi showed us!" Tree laughed and threw me into the air.
I landed on that popular tree which had been sieged by Kimi. It wasnt offended at all, it had a lot of new friends that asked how it felt.. I smelled tarmac..and it made me feel sharp and focused, despite the fact there was these wineyards ..well, I will get crunk another time. Its amazing how Kimi chose to hit the tree but didnt even made a scracth with these hinkelsteins I saw everywhere. Kimi sat on one and I saw he wasnt at the good mood at the moment. Kaj nodded to me. "- Where were you at the last time?" Kimi asked his shoulders in his ears. -"Family occasion" -" I think I dont want to know who are your family."Kimi smiled a little. "- You you know who you are?" Straight to the point. I had learned you better ask straight and fast so he dont have time to put up the barriers. Kaj was seemingly interested. - " Look at my book..the pages have been stuck to each others so I cant say where starts the track racing section and where the rally section! Its a mess!" Whole thing is a mess! I havent been able to test on tarmac like the proper rally drivers, dont have time to get to know all the sides of my car like proper rally drivers and I love this surface, I want to drive my guts out, want to make a tortillas of the tarmac and eat it!" Now the season is almost over, everything changes again..and I am ..what am I?" No,dont touch him..I said to myself and kept my hands in my pockets..hmm..there was something. The butterfly.....the knight butterfly like we say in our land. I put the butterly on Kimis book to the one clean page. It wrote something. "The man with the broken heart can only heal his heart with the long journey from beginning to the start. The end depends on how far he has strenght to go. He has to travel from winter to spring,from summer to autumn, and to winter again. Same again and again..but along the journey he changes, wanted or not." Kimi nodded . I smiled a little and wawed my hand. Thousands of knight butterflies flew around us and vanished to the wineyards. They took me with them and I flew towards the pale sun in the north. "See ya soon!" Said the family of cranes to me as they headed towards the south. "See ya soon" I whispered.
I am waiting. I have been quiet so long that I think tree thinks I cant speak anymore its language. It keeps offering a piece of apples and then it stretches the words "eeeaaaattt" like teaching me the important words again. "Eat,sleep,listen, love ..what ever. Actually I know it knows I havent forgotten how to speak apple just tries to annoy me.
I am waiting for the light. Not the sun.It is there, hanging very low. Iam waiting for the big white light. The first snow. I havent even smelled it yet. There has been signs allright. During the first cold nights the plants that are still standing , have been covered with the white sparkling layer. As it happens everybody at the forest are speaking about it and sighs just because its beautiful. Then comes the sun, a distant memory of the warm summer days and melts the ice. Then its just the beautiful thougt thats left.
"Its late.The first snow, you know." I said and looked my naked tree. "Mmm...the wind from north has been waiting the important pieces to take their right place. Hear me,when it starts to blow from north,it blows like never before and you have your first snow." "Where is it? The north wind?" " It has gone to place where it was born. If you want to know the certain Ice Berg is there too. It is growing again. "Ah..Kimi is hiding again..just like last year when he was giving birth to something new. I thought so as I got the book of rally paths back. But its never ending the book of tracks." " His last rallies didnt go as planned but did you see what the guy was doing before them?! No wonder it happened so." Tree laughed. "What did he do? " " He went to his friend and broke the mirror while he was drunk.Then he went out of the bar and walked under the stairs while doing that, then he walked to home to get silver and a black cat crossed his road and he didnt spit over his shoulder.." "Uupps..only one little thing.Kimi isnt superstitious. " "I know. I was just talking fairy tails to my self."
" That havent grown apples." " I might have. You dont just see it. You will see,someday." "Is it the day of Illumination?" " Its the day of Illumination." And tree and me , we just leaned on to each others and started to stair to the sun that was hanging low. I smelled something. Smiled a little.