quoteSurgery today: "Kimi has not been able to sleep properly"
- Kimi has not been able to sleep properly. He also has had problems with walking type of aesthetic basics Räikkönen's manager Steve Robertson says.
Surgery is therefore necessary.
This way Kimi gets fit as quickly as possible and back to practice.
Back pains has bothered the Finn long time. The first hard blow came in 2001, when Raikkonen drove out in the Magny -Cours tests. In 2010, Räikkönen had the back surgery of the baffle due to the bulge .
Robertson says that the problems are now similar to those in the past .
- Kim has a problem with the nerves in the lower back .
He will rest after the surgery about four weeks. Raikkonen will be in the hospital a day or two .
- We are aware of previous surgery on the basis that it will take approximately four weeks before Kimi can not do anything decent , Robertson says.
- The most important thing is to rest as much as possible after the operation.
Maybe one of the Finns can help please? If the google translation is right I understand that Kimi is out of the hospital
quoteRäikkönen pääsi pikaisesti sairaalasta F1 | Turun Sanomat 11:43
Kimi Räikkösen selkävamma operoitiin torstaina Strasbourgin yliopistollisessa sairaalassa, eikä Salzburgissa, kuten alun perin annettiin ymmärtää. – Se oli minun virheeni. Paikan nimet menivät sekaisin, tunnusti Räikkösen manageri Steve Robertson Turun Sanomille. Professori Afshin Gangi kiitteli Lotuksen välittämässä tiedotteessa, että Räikkösen selkäleikkaus sujui menestykkäästi ja toipuminen on hyvällä alulla. Tiedotteen mukaan Räikkönen huilaa nyt muutaman päivän ja kuntoutusohjelma alkaa ensi viikon alussa. – Kaikki sujui mutkattomasti, kuten odotettiinkin. Leikkaus oli rutiinitoimenpide, ja Kimi toipuu täyteen kuntoon toivotulla aikataululla, Robertson täsmensi. Ensi kaudeksi Ferrarille palaava Räikkönen on jo päässyt sairaalasta. Räikkösen manageri odottaa jännityksellä, mihin Räikkösen paikalla loppukauden ajava Heikki Kovalainen pystyy. – Heikillä ei ole mitään menetettävää, joten hän voi keskittyä vain ajamiseen, Robertson muistutti.
quote Lopez: Money has little to do with it, Raikkonen will get his money
17 November, 2013
It took many by surprise when Kimi Raikkonen decided to sort out a lingering back problem and headed for back surgery ahead of schedule, missing the final two races of the 2013 season and also his last two drives with Lotus in the process.
Many sceptics believe that it was a way for the 2007 World Champion to get out of his deal with Lotus who he revealed had not paid him at all this season.
Raikkonen declared in Abu Dhabi, “It’s not very nice when you hear that you don’t have the interests of the team and then you’ve been paid zero euro the whole year.”
But Lotus team owner Gerard Lopez insists. “Money has little to do with it, we clarified that in Abu Dhabi – he will get his money.”
Conspiracy theories have buzzed the Austin paddock, suggesting that Ferrari – Raikkonen’s new employers – put pressure on the Finn to sort out his back ahead of his return to Maranello.
Thus killing two birds with one stone, as Raikkonen’s absence would weaken Lotus’ bid to overcome the Italian team in the constructors’ title.
A scenario which Lopez clearly suspects, telling Auto Motor und Sport, “Maybe his new employer advised him that it would be better to seek treatment as soon as possible.”
Lopez also suspects that Ferrari might also have had something to do with Hulkenberg’s sudden unavailability for the seat in Austin and Brazil.
“It was too bad for us, but for sure also a shame for Nico. As I understand it, he was paid (by Sauber) all of a sudden, so he was no longer available to us,” he added.
Instead the team opted to give Heikki Kovalainen the task of replacing Raikkonen in the final two races. (Apex-GMM)
to add some quotes from amus http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/forme...er-7911301.html "I talk almost every day with Kimi. There are no problems between us. The most important is that he doesn't have problems anymore with his back" it's a longer interview, he says that Nico was payed apparently so that's why he wasn't free anymore. New driver not signed yet but Maldonado is one of the candidates. He also says he could have many times signed a sponsor of 20 millions for 3-5 years but they need at least double the amount to be at the top. so he is planing just year after year and waiting for the big sponsor. and if it doesn't come he pays it himself. But if he sees that it's so difficult to get a big sponsor why he doesn't sign at least one smaller, or two of them? and then he has to pay less himself?
13.11.2013, HS (paper edition) By Jouni K. Kemppainen
According to information HS has, the sore point in Räikkönen's back is in his lower back, on the left side.
Back pain is a professional disease among F1-drivers, because of the G-powers and the unnatural driving position.
Finland's most famous back belongs to F1-driver Kimi Räikkönen and like we all know the back is not well at the moment.
And no wonder.
"A normal human being doesn't understand how much pressure a F1-driver's back gets when driving", fysio Tommi Pärmäkoski, Vettel's longtime ex-fysio, says.
There are many reasons for the physical hardships in F1, but the root to all of it is the insane speed. The driver can get an acceleration power from even 5 to 6 G-powers in corners and when braking. The G-powers are only a few less than a fighter pilot gets.
"A fighter plane is a good comparison", Pärmäkoski says.
The G-powers give most problems to the neck, so the neck muscles are what F1-drivers train most during the season. Pärmäkoski tells that according to tests Vettel had five times stronger neck muscles than he had.
"F1-drivers have little maximum power, but then again they have really much endurance".
Pärmäkoski emphasizes that the driver has to control both his upper back and his middle body (abdomen) in order to soften the neck's swings.
In addition to G-powers the middle body is also under a lot of pressure due to the unnatural driving position.
"Well, normally nobody sits in that position."
A F1-driver drives a F1-car partially in a fetus-position with a hunched back. It means that the back muscles and vertebras are under a lot of pressure during the whole race. The knees are up high and the thighs are close to the stomach, which again strains the muscles in the middle body.
In addition to the static pressure the driving position creates, a F1-driver's back is also hammered during sudden braking which at the worst momentarily puts a weight load of 80 kg on the neck.
The bumps and crossing the kerbs will naturally also be felt especially in the already tense back - not to talk about what crashing feels like.
Hence it's easy for Pärmäkoski to name the professional disease among F1-drivers.
"The biggest problem spots are in the back-area."
Räikkönen isn't alone with his pains. At this moment at least Fernando Alonso is also suffering from back problems.
A F1-driver's arms and legs get easiest away. Although the buttocks are also under a lot of strain because of the one-sided pressure during the race. The gas pedal -foot is tense all the time, but the braking pedal is pushed down really hard, all the way to the bottom.
There are no official details about Kimi Räikkönen's back pains, but according to information HS has the sore point is in the lower back, on the left side.
The injury probably stems from 2001 when Räikkönen hurt his back when driving out during practice in France, Magny-Cours.
This season the back pains came back in Singapore when Räikkönen drove over the kerbs during free practice. His back was paralysed and the pain was so hard that Räikkönen could race the GP only thanks to a cortisone-shot. He came in 3rd. The pain came back in Abu Dhabi.
Pärmäkoski won't comment on Kimi Räikkönen's injury, but due to his long F1-experience he knows which spots usually suffer when a F1-driver clash.
One of them is especially the lumbar spine in the lower back.
"In clashes the pressure is both on the neck and the lower back", Pärmäkoski tells.
Kimi Räikkönen is now 34-years old.
How does a driver's age affect the vulnerability when injured?
"No matter what the sport is, the older you get the slower you recover", Pärmäkoski says.
Due to age some earlier bruises might re-surface.
"On one hand the body gets used after many years. For F1-drivers the best training is however to drive."